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Cell Phone Policy Plan

Simmons Pinckney Cell Phone Policy

Policy: Cell phones are not to be used during school hours unless express permission has been given.

Infraction: Cell Phone Use 

1st Occurrence:  Reteach Expectations, Mandatory Admin/Parent Contact (Phone call, text, email, correspondence, etc.), Review the consequences of the next PDP occurrence with parent and student, confiscate item(s) where appropriate and return at the end of the school day.

2nd Occurrence: Reteach Expectations, Mandatory Admin/Parent Contact (Phone call, text, email, correspondence, etc.), Review the consequences of the next PDP occurrence with parent and student, confiscate item(s) where appropriate and return at the end of the school day.

3rd Occurrence: Confiscate item(s) where appropriate, Mandatory Admin/Parent Conference, during conference reteach expectations to student, and review the consequences of the next PDP occurrence with parent and student, return the item(s) to the student/parent.

4th Occurrence:  Confiscate item(s) where appropriate, Mandatory District Approved School Probation Contract, future incidents should be coded as 270 Refusal to Obey, review the consequences of the next PDP occurrence (Refusal to Obey) with parent and student. Return the item(s) to the student/parent.

Charleston County School District Cell Phone Policy, JICJ: Prohibition of Personal Electronic Devices During the School Day
